
Do I Need More Than One EIN if I’m Running a Business in Multiple States?

EIN Number

If your business is big enough that you are beginning to operate it in multiple states, you’ve likely wondered about how that affects the way your business is structured and whether you need to make any changes. As far as taxes are concerned, you will likely have to pay both federal and state taxes, depending on which states your company is operating in. As far as whether you need multiple EINs for multiple states, the answer lies in how your business is structured. If your company is still just one business entity (no subsidiaries) and you conduct business in more than one state, then you do not need more than one EIN. If you’ve created separate subsidiaries, however, then yes you will need to obtain an EIN for each of those subsidiaries since they are considered separate legal entities.

How do you Apply for a New Tax ID Number?

If you have restructured your business, or you’ve recently created some subsidiaries then you need to obtain some new EIN numbers. The easiest way to apply for an EIN number is to visit the IRS-EIN-Tax-ID website where you can fill out an application 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Application is easy; simply select your business type and answer the personal and company-related questions. If you apply during regular business hours, you could even get a response on your completed application within an hour. Otherwise, you can expect to get a response the next business day.

To find out more about creating a new EIN number, contact the IRS EIN Tax ID Filing Service today. If you’ve just lost or misplaced your EIN number, the IRS EIN Tax ID Filing Service can also help with IRS EIN lookup so you can conveniently recover your information.

Tood Compton
My name is Tood Compton. I am a writer and a journalist. I am a strong believer in the power of information to change people's lives — which is why my mission is to share knowledge that empowers people to live better, do better and achieve more.

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